Why Homu?

Save time and money by going direct to contractor
Many homeowners want to save up to 20% of their renovation cost by going direct to contractor but lack the designs needed to translate ideas into a real, built home. By using generative AI, we allow homeowners to see life-like 3D renders of their dream home in seconds.

How does it work?

1. Get a generated design on our platform
From here, pick images that suit you best and follow our instructions to generate a 3D design in 10minutes.

2. Receive a Layout Plan + Technical Drawings
Once done, we will set-up a consult with you to make any final customizations to your design and produce a layout plan for contractors.

3. Receive contractor price quotes and build your home!
When done, we will get our contractors to give you a price quote for the build. Or, choose to find your own contractor. No obligations!

How did we start?

Homu (formerly Hearth&Home) grew out of our final year project at the Singapore University of Technology & Design (SUTD). Having experienced the challenges of renovating a home, we came to the realisation that there is room for improvement in an industry that has remained relatively stagnant despite the advancements in technology.

While searching for interior designers online has become much easier, the rest of the process hasn’t changed. With our background in technology, we wanted to create a way for homeowners to save both time and money in what would be a very lengthy and expensive process. Especially so because we will soon be renovating our very own homes.

What makes Homu different?

In the current interior design market, all you get to see during the initial consultation with the designer is a portfolio of their previous works and some ideas for space planning. However, you don’t get to see a design mockup until you have committed to that interior designer for your home renovation project and paid a hefty deposit on the renovation project. Even then, you will typically only get to see the first draft of a design mock up 1 week after signing the papers. What if you don’t like the designs that the ID has come up with? You’d still have to continue working with them.

With Homu, you get stunning and realistic design mockups within minutes from the comfort of your own home. Once you’re satisfied wth the design, our in-house designers will contact you to finalise some details. They will then work on transferring your design into the floor plan of your home. Within days, you will have everything that you need to take your design to a contractor to bring your dream home to life. We even have partner contractors who will submit price quotations with an itemised schedule of rates based on your designs for your consideration. By going direct to contractor with a ready design, you get much more accurate quotes. These quotes will often also be cheaper than going through interior designers as they have a markup on top of the contractor fees.